
TEF and TEFAQ are the official exams organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Paris. They are recognized worldwide, allowing you to work or study in a French speaking environment once you’ve reached the minimum level required. The TEF and TEFAQ help you evaluate your skills on a scale from beginner to advanced levels.

Alliance Française of Dar es Salaam is an accredited center for TEF and TEFAQ tests.

NOTE:  As your language skills change with time, TEF and TEFaq diplomas are only valid for 1 year.

TEF (Test d’Évaluation du Français) level

French language tests assessing your knowledge and proficiency level in French language. The TEF is a widely-recognized test that will allow you to demonstrate your fluency to your employer. It is also required by Citizenship and Immigration Canada(CIC).The test consists of 3 compulsory components:

  1. Written comprehension
  2. Listening comprehension,
  3. Structure and vocabulary

And 2 optional sub-tests required for Immigration purposes:

  1. Written expression
  2. Oral expression

The CCIP delivers a certificate that rates the candidate’s quantitative and qualitative performance and provides an analysis of results which are valid for one year.

For more info about the TEF »

TEFAQ (Test d’Évaluation du Français pour le Québec) level

The objective of the TEFAQ is to assess oral comprehension and oral expression in French. The TEFAQ is useful for those wishing to immigrate to Quebec. The TEFAQ is recognized by the Quebec Immigration as part of the official immigration application.

For more info about the TEFAQ  »